Jon Pulford

Jon is an enthusiastic and passionate professional manager, who has a proven track record of delivering and supporting individual, team and organisational performance solutions.

His depth of experience and knowledge enable Jon to always deliver tangible, relevant results that meet the core needs and added value outcomes.

Jon is an individual with high levels of energy who is effervescent, innovative and forward thinking. Highly effective interpersonal and communication skills delivered with a facilitative, coaching style (Blue/Green – SDI) (ENFP – MPTI profile) Always willing to travel, be challenged and challenge others to reach new heights both personally and as part of a team.

A progressive career path in Royal Air Force for over 20 years, then to Company Director of a successful corporate events and training company. A leading role in the Leadership and Management department of CITB (Construction Industry Training Board) Site Safety Plus SMSTS, PTLLS & CTLLS qualifications gained since 2011 and qualified practitioner in delivery of Strength Deployment Inventory (SDI) Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) and MiRO as part of Leadership development programmes, also qualified First Aider.

Keen sports man who achieved sporting success as a junior international swimmer, Combined Services and RAF water polo team captain, national league rugby player and now a keen golfer and cyclist

Areas of expertise:

  • L&D
  • Team Development
  • Experiential exercises
  • Coaching

Professional Qualifications / Awarding Bodies/ Memberships:

  • SMSTS (H&S)
  • Coaching

Licensed to deliver:

  • MBTI
  • SDI
  • MIRO
  • CILM/ILM L3 &L5