Our Talent Development solutions are broken down into three main categories. Please select an option from the sub-menu below for more details.
Assessment Centres
When choosing your future leaders you need confidence that your assessment process is robust, fair and actually identifies the right skills and traits you’re looking for. We have extensive experience of designing, facilitating and evaluating talent assessment centers for all levels. Incorporating experiential, individual and group tasks into more traditional interviews, coaching tasks, case scenarios, psychometrics’ and presentations we ensure that all candidates are tested fully. Incorporating experiential individual and group tasks into more traditional interviews, coaching tasks, case scenarios, psychometric’s and presentations we ensure that all candidates are tested fully and produce you with assessments on performance against agreed criteria that enable you to plot individuals future development needs as well as spot your talent within the group.
Graduate & Talent Development Programmes
Our Graduate Development Programme (GDP) is a personal development programme aligned to your core technical and behavioural competencies. The structured development programme is designed to run alongside your existing internal graduate scheme and provides you with the opportunity to develop the behavioral, interpersonal soft skills needed for fundamental personal and leadership skills. We bespoke our programme to each client’s specific needs. However, as a generic guide, a typical programme would include the following:
A series of structured personal development workshops including:
- Teamworking and Communication
- Emotional Intelligence and Influencing Skills
- Time Management and Organisational Skills
- Business / Commercial Awareness
- Presentation Skills
- Project Management
- Decision Making and Risk Management
- Effective Leadership
- Managing Others
- Motivation
- Performance Management
- Conflict Management
- Planning and Managing your career
Our Talent Development Programme follows a similar format where we design and structure specific programmes relevant for your identified talent needs. Within both programmes our “learning by doing” approach of experiential development, together with expert facilitation and debriefing, enables the right links and connections to be made and brought back into your specific organisation – embedding the core learning quicker and enabling delegates to apply the learning more effectively.
360 Degree feedback and personality profiling
Among the services we are able to offer, TOOJAYS are licensed practitioners of Belbin, SDI and MBTi behavioural analysis tools. These together with our Online 360 Degree Profiling and Staff Surveys enable us to provide tangible input and indicators for our Executive Coaching, Leadership and Team Development services. The tools can provide detailed behavioural assessments which will provide individuals with a deeper insight into how and why people behave in the ways that they do. This awareness can provide an anchor from which behavioural change can be developed.