To work effectively as a team you need self awareness, understanding and agreement on exactly what sort of team you are: what are the goals, what is each member’s role and skills, who needs to work closely with whom, what should the game plan be?
Sometimes it’s as simple as learning more about the people you work with, and sometimes it’s complicated, such as working through entrenched difficulties or defining how a long-distance team communicates.
Our approach to Team Development ensures you get maximum benefit and create High Performing Teams and not just a motivational spike from a team ‘jolly’ (although our events are great fun too!)
We utilise established theory and development models with our expertise and strong facilitation team to provide team development that is:
By using tools such as Insights, Lencioni, SDI, Belbin we create a framework of understanding and a reference point from which current and future performance can be measured.
Team Development Events
Fun, motivational and engaging team development events that enhances Team Dynamics and improves the working relationships and performances.
We have a number of pre-packaged events for 5 to 50+ team members at a time as well as being able to create tailored team development day or multiple day events for your organisation.

Tailored Team Building
Team building is now an extremely popular way of encouraging team work amongst staff and helps to develop better communication between colleagues.
The team dynamic is crucial to the success of your organisation. Dysfunctional teams affect performance and productivity and ultimately the profit of your organisation!!
We help teams to gel, develop trust, and form strong bonds as a unit with clear links to performance back in the workplace.
We have a variety of activities and indoor & outdoor team building games to help you achieve your goals.
Our experienced facilitator team are able to ensure that your team leave with clear tangible learning! Whilst fun is guaranteed – it’s not just a jolly! We recognise the need to ensure real return on investment, both from a time and money perspective.
We utilise purpose built team development centres in Snowdonia, Eton and Norfolk – but are also able to operate on site at your company or at a venue local to you.